The Sanders Family Travels Abroad for a Year

Good to have you along for our year long adventures in Ireland and other countries. We are working, playing, and schooling amongst our neighbors in Carna, Ireland.

Please use control + to enlarge the blog, the photos look much better this way. As of March 2011, google has improved the presentation of the blog, the photos show much better now.

Carna is along the west coast on Ireland, a little over an hour's drive from Gallway. It is a pretty rural area, and it is rugged and beautiful, physically and culturally.

We will keep you updated with our life, as we settle into a coastal home and integrate into the community. Greg is working in a Family Practice clinic, mentored by Gerard Hooke, whom Greg worked with a few years ago, for many years, in Arlington, Washington state. Gerard and his wife Amanda have settled into this area a few years ago, and are beloved by the community. The clinic was started by Michael Casey, who worked here solo for many years. He now has 3 clinics in Galway county, where he shares his time.

Our 3 children are in the local schools,where the classes are taught in the Irish language, with some English as well. We are exploring Ireland, on weekend drives. Also, periodically we are hopping over to the mainland Europe, for longer adventures.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Here we go!

We rented a car in Gallway, for our final 1.5 hour drive to Carna, on the rural west coast of Ireland, our final destination. This was quite an daventure. The steering wheel was on the right side, and the stick shift on the left! I last drove a stick as a teenager. There are speed limits in Ireland, which are not rigid. Typically the country roads are posted 20 mph higher that in the states. The roads are very narrow, making it quite a challange to stay in your lane, with cars whizzing close by, in the opposite direction. The lines on the road are opposite, with the white center line and the yellow shoulder line. Usually there is no shoulder, just thick growth. Add that to the fact that I had probably had 4 hours sleep in the last50 hours or so. I could not get close to going 60 mph, in this scenario. This would produce frequent tailgaters, further raising my blood pressure. The closer we got to Carna, the windier the roads became. Then came the sheep. they would be standing eating and sleeping at the edge of the road. You would pass them at high speed, witha foot to spare. As I was later told, the ones that stood out further in the road were probably being genetically weaned out. I will now admit I had quite a few episodes of head shaking, just to stay awake. Finally, we arrived in Carna.

above: Rainbow in Connamera, near Carna,
Our home in Carna, from the ocean, lobster float in foreground,
Stephen, on 3 hour bus ride from Dublin to Galway

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